What if I fall? Or what if I fly?

Risk taking, as most often defined by those around me, might involve jumping out of an airplane or quitting a job to travel Europe.

But what about the chances we take every day? What about the things we’d like to do, but something holds us back? Things like rejection or the fear of failure? Maybe it’s the fear of having to take two steps back after you’ve worked so hard to take one step forward?

Let me tell you a little something about myself. I am an outgoing person. I like to talk to people, love making new friends, and am pretty good at adapting and expanding my comfort zone. These are just some of the qualities that makes me, me. And part of that within my personality is my ability to just say “oh what the heck, why not? What do I have to lose?” This is something I love about myself and is what keeps me going every day.

However, there have been moments in my life where the result from taking a chance and speaking up hasn’t always resulted in something as peachy as I’d have hoped. Leaving me feeling inhibited and reexploring who I am and what I want. Trying to let go of the past and move forward. (Is this a Lion King “Hakunamata” moment?)

Now, let me let you in on a little secret of mine. I have never regretted a single chance I’ve taken. The good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. Sometimes I’ve been burned, yes. And other times, I have been completely amazed by the amount of growth and my own potential I’ve discovered. I love surprising myself and I think that’s another reason why I am so open to trying new things and expanding my comfort zone. And the bad and ugly results? I’ve always been able to move on. No matter how difficult.

I’ve never moved across the country, or jumped out of an airplane and I’ve never quit my job for the fun of a European extravaganza. Some of these things require a little more calculation and the responsibilities of life do come into the picture. That said, there are things in our lives that we can do to grow and to surprise ourselves to discover what our potential can truly be. Every single day.

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